场景&道具 Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

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Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7unity3d模型 卡通模型包
Little Heroes Mega Pack系列索引:

Little Heroes Mega Pack 1.8.1  下载链接
Little Heroes Mega Pack 1.9  下载链接
Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.5  下载链接
Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.9  下载链接

Little Heroes Mega Pack

Little Heroes Mega Pack

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

Little Heroes Mega Pack 2.7 unity3d小英雄模型 卡通模型

In Mega Toon series,the characters are simple, low poly, cartoony, cute and very easy to use! Most importantly, you can customize you own characters. Just mix and match with the different hairs, costumes, accessories and weapons!
Version 2.7
- We have added modern costumes in this update! You can now customize your characters with modern outfits like policeman, fireman, doctor, office, sports, nurse, patient and casual :)
- Upgraded Unity project to 2017.1
- Added 54 modern male costume prefabs
- Added 54 modern female costume prefabs
- Added 14 modern prop prefabs
- Added animations - Run backward, push button, Sawing wood, Hammering on anvil.
- Added 8 customized characters prefabs
- Added 3 modern showcase scenes
Customized Character Prefabs
- We have already customized some characters for you in this pack :) Check them out! Total: 94 Customized Characters Prefabs (v2.7)
- 36 hair styles.(v1.8)
- Just change the tint colour in the material to get any colour ( the whole colour wheel! ) you want.
- Characters are humanoid mecanim rig set up. We have included animations in this pack. They are:
- Relax
- Idle
- Walk
- Walk with Root Motion
- Run
- Run with Root Motion
- Jump
- Melee Right Attack 01
- Melee Right Attack 02
- Melee Left Attack 01
- Projectile Right Attack 01
- Cast Spell
- Spin Attack
- Take Damage
- Die
- Defend (v1.1)
- Nod Head (v1.1)
- Shake Head (v1.1)
- Wave Hand (v1.1)
- Stunned (v1.1)
- Pick Up (v1.1)
- Drink Potion (v1.1)
- Melee Right Attack 03 ( v1.2)
- Right Punch Attack (v1.2)
- Left Punch Attack ( v1.2)
- Cast Spell 02 (v1.2)
- Strafe Left (v1.3)
- Strafe Right (v1.3)
- Crossbow Shoot Attack (v1.3)
- Fly Forward (v1.3)
- Fly Idle (added on v1.3)
- Fly Melee Right Attack 01 (v1.3)
- Fly Melee Right Attack 02 (v1.3)
- Fly Melee Right Attack 03 (v1.3)
- Fly Melee Left Attack 01 (v1.3)
- Fly Right Punch Attack 01 (v1.3)
- Fly Left Punch Attack 01 (v1.3)
- Fly Crossbow Shoot Attack (v1.3)
- Fly Projectile Right Attack 01 (v1.3)
- Fly Cast Spell 01 (v1.3)
- Fly Cast Spell 02 (v1.3)
- Fly Defend (v1.3)
- Fly Take Damage (v1.3)
- Fly Die (v1.3)
- Chop Tree (v1.4)
- Digging (v1.4)
- Talking (v1.4)
- Sitting (v1.5)
- Lay Ground (v1.5)
- Crying (Added on v1.5)
- Clapping (Added on v1.5)
- Jump Right Attack 01 (v1.5)
- Dash w/wo Root Motion (v1.5)
- Victory (v1.5)
- Spear Idle (v1.5)
- Spear Cast Spell 01 (v1.5)
- Spear Melee Attack 01 (v1.5)
- Spear Melee Attack 02 (v1.5)
- Spear Walk w/wo Root Motion (v1.5)
- Spear Run w/wo Root Motion (v1.5)
- Spear Strafe Left (v1.5)
- Spear Strafe Right (v1.5)
- Spear Relax (v1.5)
- Spear Dash (v1.5)
- Spear Jump (v1.5)
- Spear Defend (v1.5)
- Spear Take Damage ( v1.5)
- Spear Die (v1.5)
- Strafe Left (v1,6)
- Strafe Right (v1,6)
- Crossbow Aim (v1.7)
- Crossbow Reload (v1.7)
- Crossbow Right Aim (v1.8)
- Crossbow Right Shoot Attack(v1.8)
- Crossbow Right Reload (v1.8)
- Jump Without Root Motion (v1.8)
- TH Sword Idle (v1.9)
- TH Sword Walk With & Without Root Motion (v1.9)
- TH Sword Run With & Without Root Motion (v1.9)
- TH Sword Dash With & Without Root Motion (v1.9)
- TH Sword Jump With & Without Root Motion (v1.9)
- TH Sword Strafe Right With & Without Root Motion (v1.9)
- TH Sword Strafe Left With & Without Root Motion (v1.9)
- TH Sword Melee Attack 01 (v1.9)
- TH Sword Melee Attack 02 (v1.9)
- TH Sword Cast Spell (v1.9)
- TH Sword Relax (v1.9)
- TH Sword Defend (v1.9)
- TH Sword Take Damage (v1.9)
- TH Sword Die (v1.9)
- Roll Forward With & Without Root Motion (v2.1)
- Push With & Without Root Motion (v2.1)
- Pull With & Without Root Motion (v2.1)
- Right Throw (v2.1)
- Look Up Wave (v2.1)
- Longbow Shoot Attack 01 (v2.2)
- Longbow Aim 01 (v2.2)
- Fly Longbow Shoot Attack 01 (v2.2)
- Fly Longbow Aim 01 (v2.2)
- Crossbow Right Shoot Attack Mask (v2.3)
- Crossbow Shoot Attack Mask (v2.3)
- Left Punch Attack Mask (v2.3)
- Melee Left Attack 01 Mask (v2.3)
- Melee Right Attack 01 Mask (v2.3)
- Melee Right Attack 02 Mask (v2.3)
- Melee Right Attack 03 Mask (v2.3)
- Projectile Right Attack 01 Mask (v2.3)
- Right Punch Attack Mask (v2.3)
- Spear Melee Attack 01 Mask (v2.3)
- Spear Melee Attack 02 Mask (v2.3)
- TH Sword Melee Attack 01 Mask (v2.3)
- TH Sword Melee Attack 02 Mask (v2.3)
- Walk Backward with/without Root Motion (v2.4)
- Roll Backward with/without Root Motion (v2.4)
- Strumming (v2.5)
- Swim 01 (v2.6)
- Swim 02 (v2.6)
- Tread water (v2.6)
- Spear strafe left/right without root motion (v2.6)
- Torch Idle (v2.6)
- Torch look around (v2.6)
- Torch Walk /Strafe left/ Strafe right/ run w/wo root motion (v2.6)
- Torch Left throw (v2.6)
- Torch Spawn ground (v2.6)
- Run backward w/wo root motion (v2.7)
- Push button (v2.7)
- Sawing wood (v2.7)
- Hammering on anvil (v2.7)

Costumes Prefabs (Total amount includes color variations)
- 671 Female costumes (v2.7)
-716 Male costumes (v2.7)

Accessories Prefabs (Total amount includes color variations)
- 28 Beards (v2.2)
- 19 Crowns (v1.8)
- 32 Hats (v1.8.1)
- 1 Hammer
- 64 Helmets (v2.7)
- 1 Halo
- 69 Wings (v1.7)
- 17 Horns (v1.2)
- 56 Headbands (v1.8.2)
- 14 Masks ( v1.2)
- 10 Cat Ears (v1.1)
- 9 Bunny Ears (v1.1)
- 5 Jaws (v1.2)
- 5 Special Effects (v1.6)
- 6 antlers (v1.4)
- 8 hoods (v1.4)
- 12 baskets (v1.4)
- 8 sacks (v1.4)
- 14 back props (v1.6)
- 8 jackets (v1.8)
- 6 bags (v1.8.1)
- 114 faces (v2.4)
- 3 Elf ears (v2.2)
- 4 suitcases (v2.7)
- 4 glasses (v2.7)
- 1 fireman tank (v2.7)

Weapon Prefabs (Total amount includes color variations)
- 10 Axes (v1.1)
- 10 Clubs (v1.1)
- 1 Rake
- 1 Hammer
- 1 Scyth
- 59 Shields (v1.2)
- 48 Swords (v1.2)
- 60 Wands (v1.8.1)
- 16 Daggers (v1.5)
- 26 Knuckles (v1.5)
- 21 Claws (v1.4)
- 15 Maces (v1.2)
- 20 Crossbows ( v1.3)
- 12 Arrows (v1.3)
- 28 Quivers (v1.3)
- 23 scythes (v1.4)
- 23 hammers (v1.4)
- 24 Spears (v1.5)
- 5 Hand auras (v1.6)
- 8 Scepters (v1.8)
- 1 bell (v1.8.1)
- 24 two handed swords (v1.9)
- 24 two handed axes (v2.1)
- 24 Longbows (v2.2)
- 1 Pickaxe (v2.4)
- 4 Guitars (v2.5)
- 8 Torches (v2.6)
- 4 guns (v2.7)
Unity Particles are included in this package.
3D and PSD working files are not / will not be included in the package.


作者 虎哥 发表于 2018-8-5 21:17:58


发表于 2018-8-5 22:53:40


发表于 2018-8-6 01:48:08


发表于 2018-8-6 11:16:41


发表于 2018-10-19 17:02:44


发表于 2019-4-19 23:00:12


发表于 2019-7-17 14:27:04


发表于 2019-9-10 11:34:35


发表于 2019-10-21 11:12:29


y3d小英雄模型 卡通模
发表于 2019-11-1 10:54:47


发表于 2019-11-23 11:51:42


发表于 2020-2-24 15:40:16


发表于 2020-2-29 11:23:42


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发表于 2020-11-14 14:06:00
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