Core features:
? Dissolve using dynamic mask objects: Sphere, Box, Cylinder, Cone, Plane, Per-Axis (X,Y,Z). Simultaneously can be use 4 objects.
? Multiple texture blend for alpha cutout and edge noise control.
? UV, Triplanar and Screen-Space dissolve projection.
? Various edge color controllers, including simple color, gradient and ramp textures.
? Solid, Smooth and Noisy edges.
? Color emission is visible to Global Illumination system.
? Fully compatible with Unity post processing and image effects.
? Includes Standard, Physically Based, Legacy, One Directional Light, VertexLit, Unlit, Particle, Unity Nature and SpeedTree shaders.
? Compatible with TextMesh Pro.
Note: Shaders are handwritten without using any shader node based editors and are not compatible with SRP.