编辑器拓展 【更新】Terrain Grid System 2 16.3

插件名称: Terrain Grid System 2
插件官网: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/terrain/terrain-grid-system-2-244921
版本: 16.3
素材类型: 编辑器拓展
本帖最后由 微笑的猫 于 2023-12-8 16:50 编辑

Terrain Grid System系列索引:

Terrain Grid System 4.4  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 6.2  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 9.0.2  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 10.5  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 11.3.1  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 13.0  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 13.5.1  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 13.6.1  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 13.7  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 13.9.1  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 2 16.2  下载链接
Terrain Grid System 2 16.4  下载链接

TGS2 is here! With multi-tile terrain support and dozens of new features and improvements across the asset. Built upon the robustness of previous TGS, this new major upgrade is a must-have for 2D and 3D grid generation. Read what's new here.

Terrain Grid System 2 is an advanced grid generator and territory/cell highlighter with powerful features for both Terrain and 2D grids.
- Are you working on a strategy or RTS game and want to quickly highlight cells under some units or show territories under control?
- Do you wish to allow the player choose a destination over a terrain?
- Or do you simply want an interactive grid over any terrain or mesh?
This is the perfect asset for that!

**Key Features**
- Easy to use. Add Terrain Grid System script to your terrain, gameobject or group of objects to instantly attach and configure the grid. Or drag & drop the prefab to use it in stand-alone mode (no terrain mode).
- Configurable, fully interactive and fast grid generation, including Voronoi tessellation, box/squared, rectangular and hexagonal types.
- Compatible with Unity standard terrain (single and multi-tile), mesh-based terrains or any gameobject with a mesh.
- Change visibility, color or texture of cells from Unity editor with the integrated grid editor.
- Produces highly optimized grid mesh with reduced vertex count.
- Two levels of regions: cells and territories.
- Fastest selectable and highlighting system for both cells and territories.
- Coloring and fade out support for both cells and territories.
- A* Pathfinding for boxed and hexagonal grids with customizable cell weights and obstacles. Also support for units that occupy more than one cell (minimum clearance option).
- Easily define blocking cells or assign cells to different groups (zones, obstacles, custom navigatable paths, ...)
- Get neighbours or cells in range according to crossing cost, max steps or cell group masks
- LOS (Line of Sight) functions.
- Easy rectangle selection of cells.
- Different positioning options for best mesh adaptation to the terrain, including scaling and positioning inside terrain boundaries, maximum terrain slope, minimum altitude, ...
- Control the visibility of individual cells using API or alpha texture mask.
- Define territories using a color texture or the embedded grid editor!
- Supports multiple grids in the scene as well as multiple grids per terrain.
- More than 25 demo scenes included with useful sample code!

** Technical Features **
- Can work alone (as planar grid), with Unity terrain and mesh based terrains.
- Supports one or more grids per standard Unity terrain object.
- Works with orthographic and perspective cameras.
- Compatible with Built-in, URP and HDRP pipelines.
- Extensive API (C#) for controlling and managing the grid, including selectable cells/territories, finding neighbours and merging cells.
- Full source code included (C#).

Related assets:
- Terrain Grid System 2 is included in the Ultimate Bundle.

TGS2 来了!TGS2 支持多瓦片地形,并对整个资产进行了数十项新功能和改进。这款新的重大升级版建立在之前 TGS 的稳健性基础之上,是 2D 和 3D 网格生成的必备工具。点击这里了解新功能。

Terrain Grid System 2 是一款先进的网格生成器和领地/单元格高亮器,具有适用于地形和 2D 网格的强大功能。
- 您是否正在制作一款战略或 RTS 游戏,并希望快速突出显示某些单位下的单元格或显示控制下的领土?
- 您想让玩家在地形上选择目的地吗?
- 或者您只是想在任何地形或网格上显示交互式网格?

- 易于使用。将地形网格系统脚本添加到您的地形、游戏对象或对象组中,即可立即附加和配置网格。或拖放预制件,以独立模式使用(无地形模式)。
- 可配置、完全交互式的快速网格生成,包括沃罗诺网格、方框/正方形、矩形和六边形。
- 兼容 Unity 标准地形(单瓦和多瓦)、基于网格的地形或任何带有网格的游戏对象。
- 通过集成的网格编辑器,在 Unity 编辑器中更改单元格的可见性、颜色或纹理。
- 生成高度优化的网格,减少顶点数。
- 两级区域:单元和区域。
- 为单元和区域提供最快的可选和高亮系统。
- 支持单元格和区域的着色和淡出。

作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2023-12-8 16:14:36
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