Horror Sound Pack 2 accommodates 79 tracks total duration of 36 minutes, which are ideal for video games in the style of horror, mystery, science fiction (for violin suspense, eerie sounds growing to frightening scenes, a frightening ambience to create an atmosphere, etc.).
Number of Audio tracks: 79
Number of Audio Cues: 37
Sample rate \ bit rate: 44.1 kHz, 16bit Stereo WAV
Does music\audio loop: Yes
How many sound FX:79
How many minutes of audio provided: 36:04
Intended Platform: All
Platform tested: PC
Horror Sound Pack 2 包含 79 首曲目,总时长 36 分钟,非常适合恐怖、悬疑、科幻风格的视频游戏(用于制造小提琴悬念、恐怖场景的阴森恐怖的声音、营造恐怖氛围等)。
音轨数量 79
音频线索数量 37
采样率 44.1kHz、16bit 立体声 WAV
有多少声音特效: 79
提供多少分钟的音频 36:04
目标平台: 所有平台
已测试平台 个人电脑