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uFrame Game Framework 1.6.3.r1 unity3d asset unity3d插件下载
This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 4.6.1 or higher.
uFrame 1.6 Is Now Available
uFrame is an MVVM/MV* framework designed for the Unity Engine. It comes with a load of features including a graphing/diagramming engine that will generate code and even process some re-factorings. The graphing drastically increases the speed at which you can develop and enforces a consistent coding model for all of your team members. With Microsoft holo-lens on the rise and unity's cross platform capabilities, uFrame is the ultimate solution for building your next big app or game.
What you get:
- High quality graphing engine
- Editable Code Generation Templates
- uGUI Bindings
- IOC/Dependency Injection
- Complete MV* Implementation - Event Aggregation
- Scene Management ( Loading scenes as prefabs with additive loading )
- Complete default project to get you started in no time
- Battle tested run-time on extremely large projects
- A very actively developed framework and tool-set
- Incredible community of highly intelligent developers
- An Open-Source framework
- Support for all platforms
- A big virtual hug from the Invert Team