Stylized Water Shader 1.22 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 Unity编辑器
Stylized Water Shader 1.22 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 Unity编辑器
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Stylized Water Shader 1.22 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 Unity编辑器
Stylized Water Shader 1.22 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 Unity编辑器
Stylized Water Shader 1.22 unity3d asset Unitypackage插件 Unity编辑器
Requires Unity 5.3.0 or higher.
[Forum thread] [Documentation]
[Video] [APK Demo]
A shader inspired by Zelda: The Windwaker, customizable to your liking through various parameters. Texture maps are sourced from a Substance material which makes this package customizable and lightweight (~50kb). All shaders are including ShaderForge nodes, so they can be edited.
Also includes two simplified shader, for low-end devices.
? Custom inspector, for ease of use
? Intersection effect with other objects
? 5 types of normal/refraction maps
? 5 intersection textures
? Ability to add custom textures for waves and intersection
? Depth control
? Refraction
? Wave animation
? World-space or UV-based tiling
? Documentation
? Demo scene (+30 stylized models)
? ShaderForge nodes
? Desktop shader (+Tessellation variant)
? Advanced mobile shader
? Basic mobile shader
Note: Does not support orthographics cameras or Lab Renderer