Mobile Shadows 1.1 unity3d asset Unity3d插件官网 unity插件教程
Mobile Shadows 1.1 unity3d asset Unity3d插件官网 unity插件教程
Requires Unity 5.5.2 or higher.
Fast custom shadows for mobiles with soft shadows support.
It don't use depth pass, so it faster that default Unity shadows, but have some dissadvantage and may not suit you.
Package developed for vertex-lit Rendering Path and include custom shaders with GUI. Objects can be lit by 1 directional and 3 additional point light per object in 1 draw call.
Links: WebGL demo | Andoid Apk | Windows app | Mac app
Object in scene can be 4 type: Foliage, item, character and ground. As shadows don't use depth sorting, objects of one type can't cast shadows on object of same type. So foliage can't cast shadow on another foliage. But can cast and receive shadows from item and character type. Ground receive shadow from foliage, item and character, but can't cast shadow.
Custom shader support vertex specular lighting as well (from directional light or fake specular look at camera). Because all lighting calculation are vertex base, lighting quality sensitive to tesselation of the models.