蓝图 Menu System Pro MVE 适配UE5.0菜单系统

插件名称: Menu System Pro MVE
官网地址: https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/zh-CN/product/menu-system-pro
版本: 5.0
引擎版本: UE5 
素材类型: 蓝图

Menu System Pro v2.0: Exciting Update, FREE for Existing Customers! Unleash New Features & Enhancements Now.
With 1000+ happy customers, we are determined to help you realize your vision.

This menu system includes all the features you usually see in most AAA games and is therefore the perfect starting point for your project. Change Settings in the Main Menu or adjust them while your are ingame using the Pause Menu. Fine tune your graphics settings, while seeing changes directly on a preview image. Set Display Settings, such as Gamma, HDR, Color Deficiency, Resolution and Window Mode. Adjust audio levels for different channels, such as Master Volume, SFX Volume, Music Volume and Voice Volume and change your output device.

Navigate through menus using your Keyboard/Mouse or Gamepad and see the change of input device reflect immediately in the UI on button press. Rebind Keyboard/Mouse and Gamepad Bindings with the full power of the all new enhanced input system integration. Switch between languages in the menu, using our multi-language support. Show off your team members fancy job titles using our simple Credits Roll.

The online multiplayer integration with Server Browser gets you started with your next multiplayer title within seconds. Our local multiplayer integration allows to share the menu with other players on the same PC/Console and split up UI Focus when needed (e.g. Character Selection). Our advanced navigation makes building any UI easy and multi-platform proof, even Grid based Designs are possible.

Easy to use and easy to customize
Clean separation of code and design for better updatability
Designs can be changed without any code changes, with config data assets
Advanced Design changes are easy to make in UMG widgets
Modular Settings Manager for audio, display, gameplay, graphics, controls
Menus & Widgets for all important settings a game needs (50+)
Modular Savegame Manager with Save & Load Menu
Enhanced Input System key rebinding with Keyboard & Gamepad support
Ingame Pause Menu easy to combine with other game features e.g. an Inventory Menu
Online Multiplayer menus (Host/Join Game and Server Browser)
Local Multiplayer (Press button to join menu, Character Selection)
Animated Game Intro with changeable logos
Animated Credits Roll with hold to skip functionality
Customizable Loading Screens for each level
Accessibility Settings (e.g. Color Deficiency)
Menu Music and SFX included (easy to change)
Polished Example Scene with Sample Character
Example menus for Character Selection, Level Selection, Grid Navigation, Smooth Menu Camera Switch and Input Guide
Multi Language Support (English and German included)
Uses Graphics Benchmark to determine optimal performance
All settings are stored as JSON and can be modified in a packaged build
Easy to save and load your custom settings
Extensive documentation & great support
Blueprint Only!
Number of Blueprints: 131
Number of Textures: 344
Number of Materials: 81
Supported Development Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac
Supported Target Build Platforms: Windows, Linux, Mac, Xbox, Playstation
Supported Input Devices: Keyboard, Mouse, Xbox, Playstation, Switch
Note: See the Documentation for more information on how to add support for other input devices.

菜单系统专业版 v2.0: 激动人心的更新,老客户免费!立即发布新功能和增强功能。
我们拥有 1000 多名满意的客户,我们决心帮助您实现您的愿景。

该菜单系统包含大多数 AAA 级游戏中常见的所有功能,因此是您项目的完美起点。在主菜单中更改设置,或在游戏中使用暂停菜单进行调整。微调图形设置,直接在预览图像上看到变化。设置伽玛、HDR、色彩缺陷、分辨率和窗口模式等显示设置。调整不同通道的音频电平,如主音量、SFX 音量、音乐音量和语音音量,并更改输出设备。

使用键盘/鼠标或游戏手柄浏览菜单,按下按钮后输入设备的变化会立即反映在用户界面上。利用全新增强型输入系统集成的全部功能重新绑定键盘/鼠标和游戏手柄绑定。使用我们的多语言支持,在菜单中切换语言。使用我们简单的 “积分榜”,炫耀你的团队成员的花哨头衔。


作者 cg小白兔 发表于 2024-5-13 11:13:06
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