Ocean Animals MEGA Pack 适配UE4.16 - 4.27 海洋生物
Combat Components 1.0 适配UE5.3
Customizable Puddles 适配UE4.13 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.3水坑
3D Gaussians Plugin 1.5 适配UE5.3
Suburbs - City Pack 适配UE4.26+ 城镇住宅场景
Strider - Animation Warping 1.10适配UE5.0
Sci-Fi Hydro Lab Modular Interior 适配UE4.27, 5.0 - 5.1
Radio System and Interaction 适配UE4.26收音机
Mask Occluding Objects from Camera 适配UE4.27+
Flexible Building System 适配UE5.2
MetaVolts Music Maker Generator Tool for Easy in-game Soundtracks 5.0-5.2
Sci-fi Worker Animset 适配UE4.26+科幻工人动作捕捉动画
Able Ability System 3.85适配UE5.1-UE5.0.3
Boss AI Toolkit 适配UE5.1战斗系统
EnGore Procedural Dismemberment 1.2.0 适配UE5.3
Snow Deformation 适配UE5.0 冰雪地
Undead Shinobi 适配UE4.26+ 怪物动画
SteamCore PRO 适配UE5.3
Fish Man - Fantasy RPG 适配UE4.25 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.2 怪物角色包
Robot 13 适配UE4.26+低多边形机器人模型
1950s Mafia Character NPC Rigged 适配UE4.25+人体模型动画
Kosm Classic FPS 适配4.26-4.27,5.0-5.1
Auto Material Setup 1.2 适配UE4.26-4.27,5.0
VerticalThird 适配UE5.2
NPC Eyes Sight System - PRO. NPCs can see shadows! 1.3.4适配UE5.3
Runtime Vertex Paint & Detection Plugin 1.23.4 UE5.4
NNEngine - Neural Network Engine 1.5 适配UE5.3
AI Behavior Toolkit 1.9.0 适配UE5.3
[SCANS] Warehouse - Abandoned Factory District UE5.1+
Riverology 2.1.0适配UE5.2
Bike Control PRO - The best motorcycle control 1.1.2 适配UE5.3
Multi Task 2 (Multi-threading & Procedural Plugin)2.2.4适配UE5.2
Operating System Simulator Plugin 3.1.1 适配UE5.2-5.3操作系统模拟器
Ballistics FX 1.23适配UE5.3撞击粒子特效
Military Cases Package 适配UE4.20 - 4.27, 5.0 - 5.2军事箱子
Female Mocap Animation Pack Vol1 适配UE5.0+女性动作捕捉动画
Advanced Light Pack 1.1.1适配UE4.26-4.27,5.0-5.1灯光蓝图
AI Cover System 1.3.0 适配UE5.2
Modular Swimming Pool Megapack 适配UE4.26模块化游泳池
Combat System AI Framework NPC Behaviors Enemy 1.4.5 适配UE5.1