The Omni Animation Core Locomotion Pack contains 74 mocap locomotion animations. These animations were recorded by a professional actor for Omni Animation, our AI-driven animation solution. All animations were cleaned in Motion Builder for production ready use.
The Core Locomotion is integrated with the Ultimate Character Controller allowing you to quickly swap out the animations for a high quality result.
Omni Animation 核心运动包包含 74 个 mocap 运动动画。这些动画由专业演员为 Omni Animation 录制,Omni Animation 是我们的人工智能驱动动画解决方案。所有动画均在 Motion Builder 中进行了清理,以便随时用于制作。
Core Locomotion 与 Ultimate Character Controller(终极角色控制器)集成,您可以快速更换动画,获得高质量的效果。